Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

Today was Adam's first day of school. Once he got his backpack on he was pretty excited. This was the one day he actually slept past 7am and I had to go in and wake him up. Go figure. It was such a BEAUTIFUL morning we walked to school. As we walked we got stopped by the police. No we weren't speed walking, he just saw Adam with his backpack and we told him we were on our way to his first day of school. The policeman stopped and got out of his car to talk to Adam and give him a police badge sticker. Once we made it to school and in his room he found toys and kids to play with. I kind of hung around (I'm not sure why) but he was already busy so I eventually left. Neither one of us cried. I'm so proud of us! It was fun picking him up. He was talking about all he did. Of course they had a snack, played and sang Going on a Bear Hunt. I think we are all ready for him to take this step. Later today he had tumbling class. And in a little while he has a birthday party to go to. He is a busy little guy.


Kelli said...

Yea! You are back. It sounds like Adam had a great first day of school. Kaden starts next week. I am definately ready and so is he.

Amanda said...

How exciting! I love hearing about what's going on. I really love that 'first day of school' picture.